Kaupapa Term 2 & 3

Here are some photo's of the kaupapa room 2 have been learning about in term 1 & 2.

In term 2 we were learning about Kai Ora.  We went on a discovery journey about what we thought were healthy and not healthy foods. We created a huge poster to hang on our wall by cutting foods out of magazines.  After that we went on to learn about the different food sources and where some foods come from.  Room two found this topic really engaging which created many oral language opportunities and we had a lot of fun in the process.

In term 3 we are learning about Hauora.  We are asking the question, how do I look after me?  Room two has been learning about emotions and feeling and how to recognize them.  They have also been talking about the things they can do to help look after themselves.


  1. Kia Ora Akomanga Wha and Whaea Tracy

    It is so awesome to see the excellent mahi you have all been doing this year. Whaea Tracy has worked extremely hard to support you all with reaching your potential in all areas of mahi at our kura, well done. I know that your these uncertain times that you will all keep working hard and most importantly keep safe, be kind, look after your whānau and stay at home.
    Ngā Mihi
    Matua George


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