Term One Highlights


We spent a good part of the first term learning to swim and practicing for swimming sports day.
We had so much fun racing each other in groups and working together to make our swimming time fun.  Room 4 particularly loved swimming the 'truck'n'trailer' race and they came away from swimming sports with many placings!
Many of the students said they couldn't do backstroke but every single one of them gave it a go and were very supported by the rest of the class in doing so.  
I am very proud of Akomanga 4's achievements in swimming this year and the improvements I saw in their freestyle and backstroke after practicing hard.  Well done you are all Rockstars for sure!

Maths Bingo

Maths bingo is becoming a favourite game to play in our class at maths time which always ends in many loud shouts of "BINGO!"  Sometimes we switch cards and play another round.  We have a buddy system in place so that we are all helping each other.  We all learn our basic facts together by saying the answer out loud.  I love how excited they all get when they are getting close to getting 'bingo'.

Basic Facts

Most days we practice our basic facts by using cards from the basic facts box and writing the equations into our maths books.  Room 4 are getting really good at basic facts and it is a great independent activity.


We have been learning to stretch sentences in our writing.  We have had a lot of fun and many laughs stretching our sentences out to make them more interesting.  The tamariki will give you the thumbs down if your sentence is boring!  They are very eager to help you dress it up a little to make it sound cool.  This is an example of one of our sessions together and as you can see they get very busy and creative and get on with their mahi when they are engaged in what they are learning.

Rockstars & Bucket Fillers

The tamariki in akomanga 4 are all Rockstars, just ask them and they will hopefully be able to tell you what that means in our class.  Just in case they need help explaining, this is what they are trying to say:
A rockstar in A4 means you are awesome, kind, respectful, amazing, fantastic, fabulous, cool, the best, imaginative, extraordinary, great, remarkable, impressive, outstanding, magic.... I think you are getting the picture by now.  All of my students are Rockstars and this helps them to make good choices and be proud of being part of our class.

We are also 'Bucket Fillers' in our class and being a bunch of Rockstars makes this very easy!  We love to fill other peoples buckets by being kind and respectful and making good choices. We have a class bucket that we get to put warm fuzzy's in every time we make great choices as a class, like lining up quietly, getting on with our mahi, sitting up and ready to listen on the mat without being told to,  helping one another and things like that.  We get to choose a reward for when the bucket is full ..I think we have chosen pizza for the next reward.

That was a very quick catch up on some happenings for Term One and we look forward to putting more updates on our blog this term and over the coming year.


  1. Akomanga 4 you have worked so hard during term 1. Your mahi has been excellent and your kaiako Whaea Tracy works so hard to make sure you have awesome mahi to do and a very beautiful learning environment.
    Ngā Mihi
    Mātua George


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