Kootuitui Digital Immersion 2021

 Kia ora,

Today was the start of a fantastic learning journey that Akomanga 4 will be participating in this year.

Some exciting news!!  We are going to be learning to become a digital class!  The students are going to learn, create & share their work.  

Alongside the students the kaiako (Myself.. Whaea Tracy) will be learning also, so we are going to learn together (ako) and we are going to have heaps of fun and create some awesome mahi along the way, I can't wait!

I am looking forward to using student voice to create our expectations around digital learning in the classroom and implementing digital devices into our everyday learning.

So watch this space and you will see some creative learning being shared to our blog.



  1. Super PROUD of you Whaea Tracy and all your superstar students!!


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