What has Akomanga 4 Been Up To? Week 4 & 5 Check out all the great things we have been doing over the past few weeks. KIWICAN with Matua Zab & Whaea Louisa. Word Wizards! This is our new favourite word game in our akomanga. The tamariki are becoming so amazing at making up words with the letters, they are really blowing me away!! Working in groups to come up with a role play about one of our school values and what it looks like. They are doing this for PB4L, which they are just so fantastic at! Presenting their roleplay to the class, everyone participated which is just fabulous as the tamariki have made 'participation' one of the expectations in our class treaty this year. Great job you ROCKSTARS! Our Hauora game that Whaea Tracey-Lee taught us last year and we still play. It is paper, scissors, rock, getting your whole team across to the other side. The tamariki play really fair and they show immense encouragement to each other which is very ...
Showing posts from March, 2022