What has Akomanga 4 Been Up To?

Week 4 & 5

Check out all the great things we have been doing over the past few weeks.

KIWICAN with Matua Zab & Whaea Louisa.

Word Wizards!  This is our new favourite word game in our akomanga.  The tamariki are becoming so amazing at making up words with the letters, they are really blowing me away!!

Working in groups to come up with a role play about one of our school values and what it looks like.  They are doing this for PB4L, which they are just so fantastic at!

Presenting their roleplay to the class, everyone participated which is just fabulous as the tamariki have made 'participation' one of the expectations in our class treaty this year.  Great job you ROCKSTARS!

Our Hauora game that Whaea Tracey-Lee taught us last year and we still play.  It is paper, scissors, rock, getting your whole team across to the other side.  The tamariki play really fair and they show immense encouragement to each other which is very heart warming.

We are creating an acrostic poem about respect and colouring in a 'respect feather' to go with it.  This comes about from our class MIRaH (mirror) Mannners, Integrity, Respect and Honesty.  We have decided to see how these words fit in under our school values for PB4L.  Too easy for these peeps!!

Class and individual rewards are something we like to remind ourselves of every week.
  This is also our class treaty that the tamariki have since added to.  They wanted to include:  Participate, Wear Our Mask Inside, Keep Yourself Safe & Look After Each Other ….BLESS!!

More KIWICAN fun with Whaea Louisa.  They are learning about being a good leader.  It's a good reminder to the tamariki that they are middle school and the juniors will look up to them as leaders.

This is what most of the tamariki in akomanga 4 like to do in their break times.  They play gutter ball.  Usually they play on the little court just by our akomanga but on Thursday & Friday when KIWICAN has their space, they head out to to beside the ngāhere ..which I think is great for the shade and a bit cooler!

The tamariki have been getting right into using the good old fashioned dictionary to look up words for spelling, meanings, ideas for writing.  They have these out most days and I must say it's great to see.  They also use these when we play word wizards, I said it's not cheating because who can complain if they are looking up words and learning to spell new words!

Yay!!  Finally getting back into our digital groove in Akomanga 4.  These tamariki were logged into matific and we had some of our big buddies showing our new tamariki the ropes, I'm so proud of how much these tamariki  help each other and look out for each other.  We will be diving into more digital work as the rotations start and we will have activities to complete on our chromebooks in the future.  Also the tamariki are keen to get blogging!!!!

Below are some photo's of the absolute fun activity the tamariki participated in on the last day of week 5.  I apologize if your tamariki came home soaking wet, but they had so much fun!!  This is another Hauora activity where they had to work together to see if they could get the ping pong ball out of the tube that was full of holes.  They had to use water and they ran to fill up their cups from a waiting water container.  I'm sure they told you all about this after you were wondering why they came home from kura soaked.  We did this at the end of the day when it was nice and hot and sunny.  Next time I think I'll let you know they will need a change of clothes to do this activity!  It was nice to hear and see how happy they were by their giggling and facial expressions though.
Some team work going on here and thinking about the best strategy.

Some laughs & squeals as they work out what they can do to stop that water coming out!

I'm sure most of the water was going all over their peers rather than in the tube!

Finally a few more team mates blocking holes and runners using two cups at a time,
 I like their thinking here.

Drying off!!



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